How Often Should Your Windows Be Cleaned?

Posted by Bella Jones on July 2nd, 2014 in Window Cleaning
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We, at Shiny Window Cleaning, get this question from our customers often, so we decided it should be answered here as well. The truth is the right time to get your windows cleaned is personal. It depends on the type of your building, the season and the type of your windows. But we cannot go wrong with saying you should clean your windows each time they get dirty. Another huge factor is the area you live in! Of course, there are some basic universal cases when it comes to commercial and residential  window cleaning. 

Clean Window SurfacesWhen speaking of residential window cleaning, you can take care of your windows not that often. The windows in your property are less likely to get dirty often because your home is probably not in a busy traffic area. We recommend to clean your windows every four, six or eight weeks. It again depends on the type of your building, the climate and the traffic. Some home owners live near busy roads and their windows need to be cleaned more often. Also, make sure you inform the window cleaners what your schedule is. By doing this, you will avoid the risk of waiting for a window cleaning.

As for the business owners, we recommend to clean the windows of your building every two weeks. Your place of business should look representative. After all, no potential customer will enjoy spending time in a shop/office/restaurant with dirty windows. Your office windows should be shiny in order to catch the eye of the people who are passing by the building. If your business is in a very busy area with traffic, you may consider getting you windows clean even 3 times a month. Our advisers can help you choose the right time for your next commercial window cleaning!

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